Electronic Integrated Computer Algorithm Journal
ENIGMA : Electronic Integrated Computer Algorithm Journal is open to researchers and experts in the fields of computer science, information engineering and information systems. This journal is a forum for researchers and experts to present the results of research related to the fields of computer science, informatics engineering and information systems. This journal has two periods for publication, namely April and October. Manuscripts received by the editorial team will be checked for similarities using the Turnitin application. The review process will be carried out with 2 checks. This journal will accept manuscripts related to the latest technology and currently developing issues according to the journal's focus. Researchers who wish to send manuscripts to the editorial team must read the guidelines and templates clearly and carefully and comply with the writing guidelines. If the manuscript sent and accepted by the editorial team does not comply with the writing guidelines, the manuscript is rejected by the editorial team.
Journal Title : Electronic Integrated Computer Algorithm Journal Initials : ENIGMA Frequency : 2 issues per year (April and October) E-ISSN : 3031-0350 Editor in Chief : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arif Ridho Lubis., B.IT., M.Sc.IT Co-Editor in Chief : Assist. Prof. Dr. Yousef Fazea Publisher : Yayasan Asmin Intelektual Berkah -
Acceleration, Quantum, Information Technology and Algorithm Journal
AQILA : Acceleration, Quantum, Information Technology and Algorithm Journal is open to researchers and experts in the fields of Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Information Systems, Signal, Image and Video Processing, Electrical Power Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Computer Network and System Engineering, Machine Learning, AI and Soft Computing, Electronics Engineering and Internet of Things (IoT). This journal is a forum for researchers and experts to present research results related to computer science, informatics engineering, and information systems. This journal has two periods for publication, namely June and December. Manuscripts received by the editorial team will be checked for similarities using the Turnitin application. The review process will be carried out with 2 checks. This journal will accept manuscripts related to the latest technology and currently developing issues according to the journal's focus. Researchers who wish to send manuscripts to the editorial team must read the guidelines and templates clearly and carefully and comply with the writing guidelines. If the manuscript sent and accepted by the editorial team does not comply with the writing guidelines, the manuscript is rejected by the editorial team.
Journal Title : Acceleration, Quantum, Information Technology and Algorithm Journal Initials : AQILA Frequency : 2 issues per year (June and December) E-ISSN : 3062-8555 Editor in Chief : Assoc. Prof. Muharman Lubis, P.hD Co-Editor in Chief : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irvan Publisher : Yayasan Asmin Intelektual Berkah